Title: 3-way match (GR-IV mismatch issue resolution using SAP) as analysis method for a list of multiple PO & Billing documents with discrepancies

Kuo Sheng Ang
2 min readFeb 17, 2020


Account Payable will encounter blocked invoice appears in SAP Transaction: MRBR report whenever there’s GR-IV mismatch issue.

Hence, Buyer will need to perform the analysis/investigation before the Account Payable (AP) corrects the discrepancy by taking suitable decisions.

Typically, one of the method is to perform 3-way match investigation using SAP Transaction: ME2L or ME2M for analysis for multiple PO documents.

However, SAP Transaction: ME2L or ME2M is very limited in providing any cues of GR-IV discrepancies/mismatch which i strongly would’t recommend using this report for investigative analysis.

Solutions to overcome the limitation of SAP Transaction: ME2L or ME2M to provide cues to GR-IV discrepancies/mismatch:

Hence, using a customized report query from SAP Table “ EKBE” allows one to identify multiple/several fields (ie: Invoice Amount in PO Currency, Invoice Value Entered (in Local Currency)) to inspect if there are discrepancies from supplier/vendor unit price between the billing and quotation.

SAP Transaction Code: MRBR report does not remove the block if the discrepancy is not resolved. This program alone can already be adequate for resolving the GR-IV mismatch issue to resolve payment blocked matthers.

Hence, table “EKBE” facilitates the investigation taken by Buyer/ Operations Analyst in order to provide the disposition, so that AP (Accounts Payable) can remove/release the block showing in SAP Transaction Code: MRBR report.



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